Incentive for new hires in Southern Italy – admission and fruition procedure
Circular message no. 19 of March 30, 2018

With Circular message no. 48 of March 19, 2018, INPS provided instructions for the fruition of the incentive for new hires in Southern Italy. The incentive is granted to employers which, in 2018, hire new permanent employment relationships with unemployed subjects aged 16-34, or 35+ years old subjects without a regularly paid job in the last 6 months.
Termination ticket in collective dismissal procedures
Circular message no. 18 of March 20, 2018

Following changes brought to the 2018 Budget Law, INPS provided clarifications upon the amount due by the employer for the severance of permanent employment relationships, providing also instructions for the related UniEmens data flow.
Clarifications from INPS on the 3-year social contribution exemption
Circular message no. 17 of March 14, 2018

INPS provided clarifications upon the application of social contribution exemption due, from January 1st, 2018, to employers who hire – with a permanent contract – employees up to 30 years old (up to 35 for new hires in 2018).
INPS also provided technical instructions for the actual fruition of the incentive and the adjustment of contribution previously paid in January and February 2018.

Physically demanding work – submission of annual declaration
Circular message n. 16 of March 12, 2018

According to national regulations each year, by March 31st, the employer who requested physically demanding work is required to submit a specific declaration (“LAV-US” form).
The declaration monitors the performance of physically demanding work so that employees may, upon request, exercise their rights to early retirement.

Mandatory and optional leave days for fathers in 2018
Circular message n. 15 of March 02, 2018

INPS clarifies some details on the fruition of mandatory and optional leave days for fathers.
The mandatory leave has been extended for the current year by the 2018 budget law, for 4 days.
Still, for births and adoptions in 2017, employee fathers remain entitled to only 2 days of mandatory leave, even if they are to be taken in the early months of 2018.