Interprofessional funds and activation of the aggregated account

With Ministerial Decree no. 59 of May 16, 2018, the Ministry of Labor updated the compensation allowance due to self-employed contractors who left work for alpine or speleological rescue activities or related training.
For the definition of the related amount the average salary of employees in the industrial sector, determined in € 2,148.41 for 2018, is considered.
Deposit of settlement agreements: INL instructions

With note 17 May 2018, no. 163, the National Labor Inspective authority (INL) clarified some details of the conditions for the deposit of settlement agreements signed pursuant to art. 411 c.p.c.
For the deposit with the local office, the union must be in possession of specific requisites for representation. Pursuant to art. 412-ter c.p.c.: “settlement and conciliation, in matters covered by art. 409, can also be performed in places and with procedures determined by collective bargaining agreements signed by most representative trade unions”.
The requisites for representation must be self-assessed by the union.

Temporary work agencies: requisites

Law decree 10 April 2018, stating the requisites needed by temporary work agencies to perform their activity, has been published on issue no. 117 of the Official Gazette on 22 May 2018.
Specifically, the decree clarifies the professional expertise needed by the agency and the requisites of premises and office supplies where the activity is performed.

INPS: change of several UNIEMENS codes

With Message no. 2310 of 8 June 2018, INPS introduces the following new codes for the Uniemens data flow:
- code “481” meaning “NCBA for companies of the integrated industrial system for goods and services of the textile and medical sectors – ASSOSISTEMA”
- code “482“ meaning “NCBA for cooperative companies active in the multiservice, cleaning and logistics sectors – COOPITALIANE”
- code “483” meaning “NCBA for companies of the public service, collective and commercial catering and tourism sectors - FIPE, ANGEM, LEGA COOP PRODUZIONE E SERVIZI, FEDERLAVORO E SERVIZI CONFCOOPERATIVE, AGCI”.
Effective on the same date, the following NCBA codes (for employment relationships not governed by any NCBA) are deactivated: “198” (agents and representatives) and “200” (sale of newspapers and magazines).

Metalworkers – small and mid-sized industries: introduction of the code for healthcare funding in the Uniemens data flow

INPS, with Message no. 2183 of 31 May 2018, introduced the code for healthcare for the Ente Bilaterale Metalmeccanici (E.B.M.), as per the NCBA for employees of small and mid-sized companies in the metalworking sector.

Video surveillance of workers and DVR (risk evaluation document) obligation

INL, with circular message 18 June 2018, no. 302, provided clarifications on requests for the release of authorizations pursuant to art. 4, Law no. 300/1970, due to generic workplace safety needs.
These needs must be backed by the evaluation of risks performed by the employer and duly described in the related document (DVR).
Therefore, the request submitted to local offices or to the national inspective authority will have to include pertinent excerpts from the DVR, proving that the installation of surveillance tools is necessary and adequate to reduce health and safety risks for workers.

Fines for health and safety infringements: amounts increased

INL, with Decree no. 12 of 6 June 2018, informed that penalties for infringements upon workplace health and safety and administrative fines set by Legislative decree 9 April 2008, no. 81, are increased by 1.9%, effective on July 1st, 2018.

Payments to ASSICURMED fund: INPS instructions

INPS, with Circular message no. 78 of 6 June 2018, provides instructions for the payment of contribution to ASSICURMED, healthcare fund applied by the NCBA for the employees of insurance agencies under free management (SNA).
Prohibition of payment in cash: instructions of the Inspective authority

INL, with Note no. 4538 of 22 May 2018, provides clarifications on the conditions to be verified during inspections, concerning the prohibition of payment in cash as introduced by budget law 2018.
Further clarifications are provided on applicable fines.