Stiffening of fines on undeclared and irregular work and on H&S violations
OnFocus News 23 January 2019, no. 6

Budget law increased to 20% fines for certain violations fines connected with a certain number of violations committed from January 2019 onwards, with a further stiffening in case of repetition of a violation committed in the 3 previous years.

Special mobility treatment, CIGS in areas of complex industrial crisis and early retirement of printing service employees
OnFocus News 10 January 2019, no. 5

Budget law extends both special mobility treatment and special salary integration for employees involved in occupational recovery plans in companies hit by occupational crisis (devolving their actual regulation to ministerial decrees to be issued in the future) and introduces special regulations on the retirement of employees in the printing services sector.

Reduction of ordinary INAIL rates and partial reimbursement of salary paid to employees with work-related disabilities
OnFocus News 9 January 2019, no. 4

Budget law determined that ordinary INAIL rates will be lowered for 2019, 2020 and 2021. The reimbursement (60%) of salary paid to employees with work-related disabilities during special re-employment project is also regulated.

Incentives for innovation and digital transformation
OnFocus News 8 January 2019, no. 3

La Legge di Bilancio riconosce un credito d’imposta per le spese di formazione del personale nell’ambito delle materie e discipline individuate dal ‘Piano Nazionale Impresa 4.0’ e alla micro, piccola e media impresa un contributo a fondo perduto in misura massima compresa tra 25 e 40 mila euro per l’acquisto di servizi consulenziali per la trasformazione tecnologica e digitale e l’ammodernamento degli assetti organizzativi.

Budget law 2019 – new regulations with immediate effect
OnFocus News 4 January 2019, no. 2

Budget law 2019 is effective since January 1st, 2019. Among new measures are incentives for permanent employment contracts as well as innovative regulations on maternity/paternity and agile work. Furthermore, fines on irregular work have been increased and penalties on H&S violations have been harshened.

ACI charts – amounts for 2019
OnFocus News 2 January 2019, no. 1

Agenzia delle Entrate divulged new ACI car values for 2019.