28/01/2019 - Seminars

Company welfare and tax relief on productivity-related bonuses

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On January 30, Studio Arlati Ghislandi will manage the “Company welfare and tax relief on productivity-related bonuses” course, organized by Business International.

The lecturers – Daniela Ghislandi, Nicoletta Marra and Luca Barbieri, who have always managed, drafted and created welfare plans within their labor and tax consultancy activities, will perform a broad-scope overview on the topic and explains the evolution of inherent regulations, also in light of recent rulings by Agenzia delle Entrate: the meeting will focus on case studies and crucial elements to consider for plan implementation, as well as a few tricks for their ongoing improvement; some success stories will be examined and extensive talks will insist on the creation and management of result-based bonuses, in order to cover the employer’s opportunities for company development planning and talent management.

Francesca Rizzi, CEO of Jointly – provider of complete and integrated company welfare solutions – will be among lecturers, examining a few success stories and best practices, in light of the experiences and solutions Jointly created for more than 60 companies.

For further information: Welfare aziendale e detassazione premi di produttività